Leistungsspektrum Geotechnische Messungen

Zu unseren Leistungen zählen:

  • Kombinierte Extenso-/Deflektometermessungen, System: Trivec, Solexperts
  • Inklinometermessung, System: Glötzl
  • Stangenextensometer-messung, System: Glötzl und Interfels
  • Gleitmikrometermessung, System: Solexperts
  • Untersuchung von Bohrlochwandungen mit der Bohrlochkamera
  • Erddruckmessung mit Druckkissen und Ventilgeber, System: Glötzl
  • Porenwasserdruckmessung mit Ventilgeber, System: Glötzl
  • Lichtraummessung mit dem Konvergenzmeßgerät, System: Interfels
  • Setzdehnungsmessung (Rissweitenüberwachung), System: Pfender
  • Innenmessschraube (Riss- und Kluftweitenüberwachung), System: Mitutoyo
  • Räumliches Einmessen von Trennflächen im Fels
  • PIT-Tests (Low Strain Integritätsprüfungen) an Bohr- und Rammpfählen
  • Erschütterungsmessungen

Mit den o. g. Systemen liegt umfangreiche Projekterfahrung vor. Bitte beachten Sie unsere Referenzen

Geotechnical measurements

The metrological observation of the carrying and deformation behaviour of geotechnical constructions, such as ground constructions, takes on a central part in the new DIN 1054-2005 due to the introduction of the observation method.

This observation method is a combination of geotechnical examinations and calculations and the ongoing metrological testing of the structure and building site.
The observation method should be used in cases where it is impossible to make a sufficiently reliable prediction regarding the behaviour of the building site solely on the basis of building site examinations and calculated verifications that were conducted in advance.
In particular, this includes highly difficult building activities:

  • In the case of interaction between the structure and the building site (e.g. combined pile/raft foundation)
    In the case of a significant and/or changeable influence of water pressure
  • In the case of neighbouring building development with a relevant temporal development of pore water pressure on slopes, particularly creeping slopes in tunnel and rock construction

Baugrundinstitut Franke-Meißner und Partner GmbH performs a wide range of geotechnical measurements. This applies to both new construction projects and existing structures, e.g. for examining building site-dependent causes of damage (e.g. shrinking, creeping, swelling).